Belinda Chen (陈辰)

Belinda Chen (陈辰)

Ph.D. student in Finance

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

I am a 5th year Finance PhD Student at Gies College of Business, UIUC. I will be on the 2024-2025 job market. My research focuses on theoretical and empirical asset pricing and my job market paper investigates financial implications of firms' network and volatility spillover. I am also interested in machine learning in finance, bond ETF market and dealers' network.

Download my CV (updated 2023/04).

  • Ph.D. in Finance, 2020 - 2025 (expected)

    University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

  • MS in Applied Mathematics, 2019 - 2020

    University of Chicago

  • BS in Mathematics, 2015 - 2019

    University of Chinese Academy of Sciences

  • Exchange Program, 2018

    Carnegie Mellon University

  • Asset Pricing
  • Financial Networks
  • Idiosyncratic/Aggregate Volatility
  • Machine Learning in Finance
  • Bond ETF Market

Working Papers

Attention-based Graph Neural Networks in Firm CDS Prediction

Credit Default Swap (CDS) spreads exhibit network effects. This paper employs Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) to predict firm CDS spreads by incorporating inter-firm network effects. GNNs treat firms as nodes and idiosyncratic volatility spillover effects as directed edges, effectively capturing the dynamics of inter-firm contagion. Out-of-sample predictions show that GNNs improve prediction accuracy by over 50% compared to classic machine learning algorithms that cannot incorporate inter-firm edge characteristics. We further enhance GNN with node- and edge-attention layers to elucidate its mechanism. These attention layers highlight the importance of specific nodes, including manufacturing and intermediary firms, and crucial edges, such as those between intermediary, retail trade, or information firms and others, in predicting CDS spreads. Our findings enrich CDS pricing models with insightful financial networks and advanced machine learning methodologies.

Attention-based Graph Neural Networks in Firm CDS Prediction
Unveiling Macroeconomic Tail Risk: The Amplifying Effect of Dynamic Networks on Microeconomic Shocks

This paper investigates the amplification of idiosyncratic shocks into macroeconomic tail risk under the dynamic evolution of input-output networks. We demonstrate that "normal" microeconomic shocks, without "tail" occurrences at the firm level, can be amplified into macroeconomic tail risk through dynamic networks. The dynamic changes in networks disrupt the generalized central limit theorem, inhibiting the rapid decay of aggregate volatility and fostering the clustering of large macroeconomic tails. This study underscores the critical role of input substitution elasticity. Firms' inability to quickly substitute inputs, particularly when all inputs are complementary, enhances the network effect, escalating macroeconomic tail risks.

Unveiling Macroeconomic Tail Risk: The Amplifying Effect of Dynamic Networks on Microeconomic Shocks

